The one about my pretty jazzed up 35th birthday

I have not always had the best relationship with aging because of the "forever young" fad that has been a part of society and life in general. We have been thought to romanticise the idea of not looking our age and all that jazz. In my case, it was not about not looking my age, it was about expectations. Almost every year up until about 2 years ago, I would aways cry on my birthday because it looked to me like I was not doing well enough in life in direct comparison to whatever age I was turning at the time. However, 2023 has taught me a valuable lesson about appreciating every living moment. I was reminded that every breath…

The one about extreme confusing confusion

As a Nigerian that recently immigrated to Canada, there are certain things I have come in contact with as a result of the new culture I am integrating into that my brain has refused to understand. These are not foreign concepts to me in the sense that some of them I have read or seen in books or movies but just never had to live it. My aim is that writing this will help me get the help that I need in understanding this rocket science concepts (yes, I do believe some of these things are as difficult as rocket science). Cardinal Points/Direction - Naturally, this has to be first on my list because everyone in Canada choose to speak…

The one about the very many difficult firsts

It’s 4.14am today, April 13 and I am tired of thinking sleep is the escape I need from the reality of what today means to me and my family. I decided instead to write out my emotions. Writing has always been my outlet. My life up till date has been divided into two distinct parts; life before September 23, 2023 and life after then. That was the day I got the tragic news of my sister’s passing and something changed in me forever since then. I don’t know what it is but I feel it everyday I take a breath or look in the mirror. Life after September 23 has come with a lot of firsts. The first Christmas without…

The one about shege with a slice of madness.

Earlier this past week, I celebrated 1 year of being an immigrant in the land of the Raptors. I use the word celebrate loosely because it was just me posting stories on my Instagram reminiscing on how far I have come. This was a good time for me to reflect on the road that led me here and how it has been thus far. I never wanted to leave Nigeria, it took my sister forever to convince me. I had a decent job and my business was thriving, I did not see any need at all to want to start over in a strange land. However, she advised me to just start the process and have the residency just as…

The one about online dating

I tried online dating. Let us get right into it. I had idly toyed with getting into online dating like late last year but I never thought I would actually do it. Moving into my new apartment was what eventually started this domino effect. I started using FaceBook very actively in January to get updates regarding my apartment and one day, I saw a prompt to join FaceBook dating. I scrolled past it because I did not even think people still used FB actively for anything, much less a potential love match. However, this prompt kept popping up every time I opened my app so I gave in one day and created a profile. I did it and just moved…

The one about music, art and friends.

Hi guys, how have you been? Hope you have gotten yourself in the mood for the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas and the end of the year activities generally has a way of making me forget momentarily about life's woes and concentrate on the good things, good tidings as it is said. Listening to carols are one of my highlights of this time of the year. I am a sucker for good music and I appreciate the fact that carols are consistent and warm, like a big hug from your favourite person. Speaking about music, Nigerian artistes have been generous to us with great music this year and I love to see it. One of my favourite songs…

Girl Facing Pier

The one about unusual self-care

It's been forever and I know. I will be the first to admit to my lack of accountability on the blog posts goals I set for myself this year. Things have been pretty intense and when I finally decided to blog again, I discovered that I didn't renew my website service subscription and someone bought my domain name. The said person then requested that I buy it back for 400 Queen Elizabeth Pounds! When Tems sang about crazy things happening, my good sister did not tell a single lie. What is important is that I am back like I never left and I intend to do better as a blogger and an adult in smashing my goals, so help me…

The one about the road to love

I knew I wanted to write about love to commemorate Valentine’s Day but I had no idea what to write. The subject of romantic love is so extensive that one could write for hours and not exhaust half of it. To help me streamline my thoughts, I put out a post on my Instagram stories to ask my friends to select from a list of topics I had on my radar. Interestingly, everyone had different ideas on what they wanted me to write about, there was no majority vote on any of the topics. I have thus decided to see if I can touch a bit on every of them and maybe have a part 2 if this post becomes…

The one about the weirdness that is 2021

I started 2021 in the most beautiful way. My friends and I were being pampered at the The Ritz Carlton, Dubai. We decided that for the first time in our adult lives, we won’t ring in the new year in church. We were on Dubai streets, dancing, looking for Nigerian parties to crash and eventually watching the fireworks that heralded the beginning of 2021. If you know Dubai, you know they don't do anything half-assed, so the fireworks were very magical, and we had the best time. I thought 2021 was off to an amazing start. How wrong was I though, as early as 9th January, my brother tested positive to COVID-19. I got to see firsthand how aggressive that…

The one that has no title

It has been a minute as usual. No one makes grand plans like the person that does not know tomorrow. In this case, this is me, I believed I would always be in the mood to write but hahaha. I have not been writing because I lacked motivation and time to articulate my thoughts into words. Let me tell you quickly what I have been up to. In June, I realized that I needed to upskill to navigate from my current role at work to another unit. I registered for a training outside of work to aid me in transitioning and classes started towards the end of July. It started well and rosy, I was learning new stuff and felt…