Poverty is a bastard. The year was 2016.
My friend and I decided to “disvirgin” our Nigerian passports before it expired. Dubai was the obvious choice for visa and ticket purposes. There was a snag though, we were proper broke. However, we said to ourselves that we have a black man blood in us, and all things are possible through Christ. We got an agency to help us plan the trip.
Our first problem was the flight. The ticket we booked was RwandAir on the first leg and Kenya Airways to return because those were the cheapest airlines at the time and like I said, we were broke. It was a total of about 16 hours to Dubai .
Now it was not just the length of the journey that almost crippled me, it was the suffering that came with it. First of all, the seats inside this aircraft were smaller than that of a BRT and this is me being generous. I don’t really know how they expected human beings to fit into the seat but we all squeezed in. Oxygen was being rationed per aisle so sorry for you if your seatmates took more than their fair share.
We finally got to Dubai sha after what looked like forever. We got to the hotel and upon checking in we got the next shocker. We paid for a breakfast inclusive room and the lady at the hotel reception with her sweet smile said “No dears, your booking only covers room”.

We called the travel agent all she had to offer us was ‘sorry’. I was ready to cry at this point because my strict budget did not include breakfast for 5 days, for gossake, oluwa wetin dey happen??? Dollar rate increased from N220 In February to about N341 by May 2016 when we travelled so already our budget and projection was messed up.

My sister had advised we use our cards mostly for our transactions, so we held very little cash. With the additional business of having to pay for breakfast, we were really low on cash by day 2. Luckily, I had a 100-dollar bill I had planned to exchange but never got to doing. On getting to the BDC, they passively aggressively told us they could not collect the dollar bill as the date on it was old and it was also torn. E gba mi ke. We went to two different BDCs and were told this same thing. This stupid dollar bill was given to us at one of the BDCs at MMIA, they knew the note was bad and that we were novices and they quickly offloaded it on us. We weren’t so bothered sha as per we had our card to use. We also planned to give it back to the BDCs in Nigeria.

The animal that will get lost won’t listen to the whistle of the hunter. With our two legs we left the hotel the night of Day 2, my friend wanted to take “abroad ice cream”. She got the ice-cream, whipped out her card with flourish, we heard pim pim pim, the mummy at the counter said card was rejected. I said, “not possible ma, please chook it again”. After about 5 chooks, we knew we were screwed. She had started eatiing the ice cream and we had no money to pay. All the bad stories of how they amputate people in UAE for little crimes flashed before my eyes, oluwa is this how I die, because of “haiz cream“??????

Somehow, we scrapped all the coins we had left over in our wallets, we were short a few coins, but the lady understood and let us go.
So, there we were on the streets of Dubai, penniless, without hope and hungry. We started walking around looking for solutions, we tried to use the ATM but no such luck. It turns out that year was when the UAE blocked most Nigerian cards due to fraud, it was just our rotten luck we travelled that period. Luckily, we walked into a random eatery and told them what we wanted to eat but we insisted they test our cards for payment first and voila, it worked! We were practically dancing in the restaurant, we even had mind to order take away in case this was the last time our cards would work. That night’s wandering made us discover the best Chinese take out in Dubai as far as I am concerned.

Hope came the next day when I reached out to one of my friends that lives in Abu Dhabi and he gave us a Nigerian contact who does money exchange for people in exchange for naira. The dilemma of getting to the exchange point was solved when one nice old man in our hotel who was also heading to the same area paid for our cab, our other alternative was trekking there. You know how drug dealers meet people at one dark alley to exchange goods, that was how the scenario played out when we went to meet the guy at Deira market. He goes “are you from xxxx”, we say yes, he beckons we follow and we did the business deal in less that 5 mins before he disappeared.

This man even took my condemned dollar bill and gave me the dirham equivalent. This what people mean when they say Nigerians will find a way to survive anywhere they live. This guy practically saved our lives, we would have starved to death. We got this money and our first port of call was to locate amala spot inside the market. It was bliss, I tell you. Amala excites me, I was shining teeth while typing this part.

Thankfully, we were able to go on our tours because we had prepaid. Another notable day was the Dubai Mall tour day, all we could afford to buy for ourselves in the mall was popcorn. It was exotic popcorn though, so we won. Let me also add that myself and A have a special knack for getting lost when we travel. We had paid for Underwater Zoo & Dubai Aquarium tour.
We got to see the Dubai Aquarium but did not see the Underwater zoo. After trekking for about 2 hours and we did not locate the entry point, we chopped another L and started window shopping. We decided that the zoo does not exist because no place should be that elusive. Beloved, we got back to Nigeria and saw people posting pictures at the Underwater Zoo, it exists.

There are so many parts of this trip that I have even forgotten. I forgot to add the hotel was so useless, they only clean when they feel like it. Anyday, they don’t feel like it, they just “unlook“. It was the absolute ghetto.
After 5 days of “vacationing”, we came back to Lagos via Kenya absolutely drained. People at my office were wondering why I came back from a vacation looking so stressed. I had to say I went on pilgrimage instead of vacation.

So traveling while broke, I 100% recommend. You will laugh at yourself years later and that in itself is one of the little things that matter. Plus, you get to create memories money cannot buy. A case in point is the header picture, my silhouette looked peng if I may say so myself.
Till next time, ensure you eat amala regularly.
I love what you have done with the GIF effects.
Thank you. I wanted to flip it a bit and see the difference.
Those gifs! ????? … and the narrative, I laughed with tears in my eyes literally! Nice one Femi??
Thanks number 1 fan. Aww, I am happy I made you laugh. Thank you for always reading Oyin. God bless you.
There is always a first time to chop ela.
You chop with your full chest and move on.
Yeske, we move always. Unless this ela had landed us in prison ?
Good write-up and very relatable. Although I haven’t been in that situation but I could picture my reaction if I were to be lol. But 16 hours to Dubai? Lmaoo ? except I’m taking a tour of Kigali in the process.
You can’t be in this situation, you are an elite o. Tbh if we knew better, we could have stopped over for like a day in Kigali but sigh. Thanks for reading ??
I travelled broke in 2014, but mehnn, I had fun. Germany and France. Well, I was in England for Masters and I did the waka. Let us say that when I came back from that trip, enu gbe!!! In Paris, I stayed in hostel, and walked around a lot, but walking in Paris is site seeing. Also rode bicycles between Germany and France, because…
I have often wondered what that hostel experience is like o. One of my friends that did Europe last year also did hostel and she said it’s a great way to meet people while solo-traveling. You should write about it in your blog.
Lmaooo, I will take enu gbe everyday for the fun of visiting a new place, it’s so cool. You went to my dream destinations sha, Kai.
Lmao…Super hilarious! In summary, hustle ooo!
My dearrrr, that’s the summary. Hustleeee ???
I did a round trip sometimes back Kenya, South Africa, Ethiopia & Kenya when I had little financial resources but craving for an adventure, booked 5 star hotel in all those countries but the money I was meant to travel with didn’t show up so I traveled with very small cash it was a hell but like you stated at the ending part traveling while you are broke will create some memories money cannot buy.. Thank you so much for this piece Femi
Thanks for reading Duyile. You know no matter how broke I am, I always aim to book good hotels because if not, I may as well be in my house. But mehn, doing those 3 countries is a dream even with little money. I have always wanted to visit Kenya and SA. And yessss to memories.
This is really funny and I enjoyed it….????…beautiful memories.
Yes oo. If not for your help, we would have waited tables to pay our debt. Thanks for always.
Suffer head nor good o. Lemme give you sugar daddy to change your experience.
Call me if you’ll like a do-over. 09024740502.
Smh. I don’t want sugar daddy. Thank you but I agree suffer head is of the devil ?
??… is this how I die because of “haiz cream” got me.
Thanks for sharing.
Lmao….. first time reading your blog and I must say I am gluedddd. This is such a good read
Well done Femi
Yayyyy, welcome Feyi. Thank you so much for taking time to read. Hoping you keep coming back.
Morale of the story……. Hustle o!!
Hustle is always the morale of the story ?. Thanks for reading.
??? me I sha enjoyed reading
Lmaoo, you mean you enjoyed laughing at me. There is God ??. Thank you for reading.
? funniest one yet! LMAO
Had a similar experience in Dubai with my GTB card??♂️, you can only understand the stress when you experience it.
I had to keep asking someone in the group to pay my bills while I transfer the equivalent to him. There was only so much I could do, anger+frustration++
Thinking of traveling while broke gives me so much anxiety…
Very good read as always ??
For real, that stress can’t be explained. You should travel while broke once in a while, it is like living life on the edge, will I make it or will I be locked up in a foreign land, that is the thrill. Thanks for reading always.
Nice read and very funny. Broke experiences are always memorable. I have experienced the right seat on a cheap flight before…not nice at all and then the engines were not working properly, thought I was going to die mehn but that’s a story for another day.
Good jod on the blog…Love it ??????
Nice read and very funny. Broke experiences are always memorable. I have experienced the small/tight seat on a cheap flight before…not nice at all and then the engines were not working properly, thought I was going to die mehn but that’s a story for another day.
Good job on the blog…Love it ??????
Ha, engine problem is on another level o, I would freak all the way out. Thank you for reading.
Hi Femi,
I laughed my heart oo. Such nice well scripted write up. Thanks for being so audacious. It reminds me of my second trip to Ghana, after crossing the border with okada, someone got missing. It was my trip, and we did not leave Naija legally….long story short I’m sure i weighed 5kg less when we returned 5 days after……..
Wow, please how did a whole person get missing??Hope the person was found, that will be so terribly stressful. I am suprised it’s just 5kg you lost sef. Sorry ?
This truly is an experience that will never be forgotten. Am sure next time, you’d prepare better.
Hahaaa. And those GIFs drove the points.
Keep it up ??
Thanks ore mi.
I kept rolling on the floor as I was reading this.. ?.. Your had a nasty and memorable experience ?…. The Gifs added more sauce to your narration.. I’m a blogger too.. I believe we can collaborate and come up with some initiatives..