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The one about online parenting

There are many hard and difficult things in life as well as simple and easy to do things. However, nothing is as easy as online parenting. You know, the one where we give opinions on how we think people should parent their children from behind the comfort of our keypads. There was a video circulating social media about few days ago of one parent that beat his child because he instructed the child not to join a certain whatsapp group, but she disobeyed the father and joined regardless. My post is not about the incident, but it has triggered me to write about parenting from the perspective of someone who is a child and has also lived with new parents…

The one about lights, camera and action.

Guys, how are you holding up this rona season?. It has been tough to be honest. We remain thankful for life, for all the privileges we have been afforded this trying times whilst praying and helping people that do not have it as easy as us. I have been unable to write anything for the past few weeks because I have been so lost and frankly, I was also taking my time to process so many things. I don't have a lid on them yet but we move regardless. The intention of this post is to take your mind off of the pandemic for a while. There was a time I did a poll on my IG story asking people…

The one about a letter.

I was eating spicy noodles yesterday when it occurred to me that as a serious blogger, I should write a piece to celebrate women today. The thought sounded nice and fluffy but then I got caught up watching Love is Blind so I am only now just writing this today, after church while getting my pedicure done. I decided to write myself a letter. I am a woman after all, and if there's anyone I should start with, it should be the wo(man) in the mirror. So, here we go. Oluwafemi, I love you, I didn't always do but in the past few years I have come to love you so much that it is absolutely ridiculous how much I…

The one about serving Nigeria

I like writing. It honestly took me a while to come to this conclusion. I have not been able to write for some time, because of time and I realized I miss my own writing. Imagine!!! Is this the self-love of whom you speak? If it is, I am absolutely in love and I stan. I have been holding unto this gist for some time now but I think it is about time I wrote it out. One day at work, we were all casually gisting in the office, when one of my colleagues randomly mentioned how 4 people sit on an Okada (motor bike) for a trip. I had to ask her to repeat herself, because there was no…

The one where “because of man…” II

I had spent N21,000.00, I was still in Ikeja and was going to Akowonjo. During the short distance from 3rd mainland bridge to Ikeja City Mall, I informed the bros about the situation, he said to let him know what the bill comes to when I get off at Ikeja. I also reached out to A. A is another friend who lives close to the venue and was supposed to pop in and say hi to bros as well. Fortunately, she was around Ikeja under bridge when I called her to inform her of the mess I had gotten myself into, she offered to come pick myself and F from the mall to the venue. The only reason I proceeded…

May This be The First Of Many!

LOL! I am starting with ‘lol’ because no one will read whatever you have to say on the websphere unless the statement starts with LOL. People will go “Loool… Femi actually believes she can write, make we just dey look am dey go”. Or ‘see’. That’s also another way to catch people’s attention on Twitter. Just start your statement with “see ehn , Nigeria is in Jamaica’s pocket as we speak blab la yada yada” and people will legit read it and make the appropriate noises. ‘Tbh’ – to be honest. You need to also sprinkle this in your conversation so peeps know you aren’t even playing with them all. So get ready to have a healthy doses of ‘lol’,…

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