I was eating spicy noodles yesterday when it occurred to me that as a serious blogger, I should write a piece to celebrate women today.
The thought sounded nice and fluffy but then I got caught up watching Love is Blind so I am only now just writing this today, after church while getting my pedicure done. I decided to write myself a letter. I am a woman after all, and if there’s anyone I should start with, it should be the wo(man) in the mirror. So, here we go.
Oluwafemi, I love you, I didn’t always do but in the past few years I have come to love you so much that it is absolutely ridiculous how much I do now. I don’t love you only because you are me, I love you because you have pushed and pushed even when it was not comfortable to be the Femi that you are today. However, I must confess you have stopped trying these past few years.
I remember the you of 2013 to 2016, you had so much fire and ambition to be more in your career. You wanted everything and was ready to put in the work to get it. I mean, that’s the only reasonable reason you decided to go for an MBA all the way in Ile – Ife.
Granted, you had a few difficult years at a job but that’s not the end of the world, you need to shake it off and LEVEL UP. The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day is EACH FOR EQUALITY. This means for every given opportunity, you need to be able to put your freaking best foot forward. There are no claps for being a woman, you need to give the equally qualified man a run for the money, but are you ready though?
Sigh, I love you and this is hard to say but you had dreams of being at least mid-level management staff of a multinational in your mid thirties. I do agree that time and chance hasn’t been perfectly aligned but the time you had to develop all these skills that will be transferable haven’t been judiciously utilized. You are smart, Femi, but you have settled for being average. Average isn’t bad, you got tired and decided to be average but now is the time to STEP UP.
When that opportunity you have always wanted beckons, you need to be fully equipped to grab it and that means being prepared. In the wise words of Mrs Dupe Olusola, she said when a chance for growth is available, most men takes it first and then work out the kinks later, that is their default mode of existence. They take for themselves first and then consider the effects it will have on anyone around them. One sentence of wisdom I once read on Twitter said and I quote ; “Men may not have a lot of things but boy do they have the AUDACITY”. First of all, this is as funny as heck because it was a sentence in reply to a man asking the most ridiculous thing of this lady and she was flummoxed. Then I further thought on it and realised it is true. Men grab and grab whether they want it or not. It is not an entirely admirable trait but we could learn a thing or two from that.
Femi, perfect that Excel skill, find your way back to your chosen field of interest, plan your next 5 years without any buts or maybes, make that move. Where is your AUDACITY.
Remember when you were such a happy go lucky queen and would visit restaurants often just for the fun of it. Those good times when you took every chance for fun with both hands and whether it turned out bad or not, your slogan was “we move”.
I miss that, I miss you. Live life unapologetically.
I realize that Lagos isn’t particularly the sanest place but make time for those little things that set your soul on fire. You don’t want to lose yourself in this rat race called life. Balance is tricky but you have to try, my love, you must.
I know you have given up on love, and I lowkey agree with you, I have given up too. I realized this when I noticed that for 6 consecutive months or more, you didn’t even pray about it. I want to tell you to let down your guards and live a little, I want to say you should let people into a glimpse of what makes you tick, your fears, worries, joys and everything else in between. I want to tell you to take a chance and wish for the best. I want to tell you it may or may not work but we move regardless. I won’t tell you all these though because when you hurt, I hurt and Ed Sheeran said hearts don’t break around here. So, maybe we discuss this some other time. Please remember always that you are the not just a “spec” but THE spec and gosh, lucky is that man who eventually gets to be blessed with the gift of you.
You are a Christ lover. Why have you subconsciously dimmed your light? You no longer rave about God as you used to. Sometimes, you find yourself being politically correct as opposed to affirming that which you know and have experienced to be true. God has been more real to you in so many ways and it’s because he is that you are. Atheists will blatantly let the world know that which they believe so why shouldn’t you?
What I have been using style to say is you need to explore every of your potential to the maximum. It is better to have tried and failed than not to have tried at all. You have all the advantage on your side, you are a WOMAN, once you have your sights set on something, only God can stop you, or Lagos traffic but that’s by the way.
???????? You are THE spec!
Thank you baby girl of the most high GOD.
Lav it!
Lol, thank you .
So well written! True, life is meant for the living! So cheers to living audaciously. I remember all the restaurants we visited once and always said we will go back??? laughs in Chinese.
Immediately the plague is over, we will start our gallivanting. Go back is no longer a drill, lool.
Where is your Audacity?? I’m going to hold on to that. I pray and hope things get better for you, but I want you to also know that as long as there is progress, it’s always good to give yourself a pat on the back and say “I’m doing better than yesterday”.
Thank you Niyi, I am also hopeful things get better as the year progresses.
You are absolutely right about self-commendation but one tends to become just content if not careful. Contentment is good though, dont get me wrong but so is motivation so there has to be a balance.
Thank you reading always.
Girl!!! I ain’t worried about you.
We both know that you will be fine and have an awesome life.
I know that struggle but it’s always going to end with laughter and good memories.
Remain blessed,
Thank you so much for the kind words.
Soon I will be balling like you …
Self Love is very essential, I have picked up one or two things, May we all re-discover ourselves and achieve what we initially set to achieve. Sometimes, life has a way to throw you off balance and “we move” in that direction.
Thank you for the post. Everyone deserves to be self loved.
Thank you for reading and I am glad you got something from the post.
Real tearssss because I know this girl you’re writing to, I am this girl!!! I have decided tho to stop wishing for what I once was, but to assess the reality now, accept it and move forward to better. BE AUDACIOUS!!! Sounds cool but isss real hard work ??
It is a lot of hard intense work that no one wants to do, but do it we must.
Thanks for reading booski.
Damn Damn Damn!!!
I wish so many people see this…. I mean everyone.
Real talk.
Real life.
Thank you for reading ?
Love love it.