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The One About Celebrating Women Because We Deserve .

International Women’s Day is here again where we will talk and talk while some people will still not listen.

Long time, no post though. Hope you guys have been okay and livin lavida loca.

I can’t believe we are almost halfway through March, this year seems to be going by very swiftly and I am not complaining. Even though I have been AWOL, I had to come out of my writing hiatus real quick to celebrate women.

A lot of us women were raised mostly a certain type of way and we have been told what to do per time as a woman. You will hear lines such as, ‘as a woman you should’, ‘as a woman, you cannot’ and so many other variants of this. I am particularly excited that the theme of this year’s IWD is #ChoosetoChallenge. Now more than ever when the world is finally recognizing the power of having a woman at the table, it is the time to challenge so many of the structures that have been put in place over the hundreds of years to keep a woman down. I am not talking about some grandscale movement that’s probably not feasible or even realistic. For me, it’s been able to challenge the little things within my scope of influence or matters that affect me directly. 

In your workplace, if a certain type of thing does not serve you as a woman, please challenge it and ask questions . Gender pay parity is a thing and if you believe that you are not being paid what you are worth, I hope you will find the courage to demand for what is rightfully due to you. 

Society and some of our cultures have sadly somewhat made it look like the cycle a woman’s life is to be educated (that’s in countries that even allow their women get an education), get married, breed children and THE END. If that’s not the way you are wired, then I hope you challenge the status quo and do with your life as you seem fit and in whatever order of progression that best suits your purpose and timing. Kamala Harris and Ngozi Okonji-Iweala are our living breathing examples that no aspiration of ours is too lofty or out of our reach. All we need is to be given the chance and we will eat it up and you know what Tyler Perry said, if they won’t call you to the table, build your own table !!!

This International Women’s Day, I wish that we all flourish, skin clear, edges snatched, eyeliners winged and makeup on fleek. I wish you are bad ass at your job, I wish you the courage to go after your dreams unapologetically. I hope and pray that you accomplish your goals in all areas of your life.

I hope that you will live your life being able to make decisions for yourself and by yourself not because it is what society expects of you. I wish that you face your fears and start that relocation plan today, open that store, write to that school, generally take a step towards that which you want your life to be. I hope your steps are sure as you enter a room knowing fully well who you are and what you bring to every situation.

I hope you don’t lose your self esteem because someone shamed you either physically or emotionally or used your weaknesses to hurt you. I hope as my Bible says that you will continually be as sure footed as the deer. I wish above all else that you never lose sight of what you carry.

I hope today that you are loved intentionally by friends, family and lovers, the way you want to be loved. When the love you desire comes, I hope you allow yourself to be loved and stop being the strong woman carrying everyone else but yourself. If you have found love, I hope it is the good kind that gives you wings to fly and be all that you want to be.

I hope you are able to afford the things that make you happy. Spas, travels, fine dining, luxury cars, diamonds etc. Money fall on you, dear woman. I hope you stop pinching pennies and let your hair down without worries and actually enjoy.

So here’s to all my ladies in whatever stage of life you are at, keep winging it because ain’t nobody badder than you. You are the deal and that’s on period. And when you finally arrive, I hope you don’t forget to lift as many women as possible , the more the merrier.

And if you need some good music to remind you that you can, here you go, and one more for the road here.

Lastly, I hope you are happy because you deserve.

Happy International Women’s Day.

This Post Has 9 Comments
  1. Its super cool to know we are in the era where WE CAN BE ANYTHING!!!!….

    Let’s take on the world and WIN .
    Happy International Women’s Day.

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