This is a rant.
Men, come here please and let us talk.
I have been wanting to write this post since forever, but I did not know how to write it without it looking like I am putting men on the spot. However, I realized overtime that there is not a fail-proof way to communicate this so I will just do it in the nicest way possible.
One of the good things about knowledge is that you do not necessarily need to be in a classroom to get it. This whole thing came to my consciousness when I saw a movie a few years ago . I have googled the movie summary in the hopes of getting the title but no luck. It aired for so many months in DSTV a few years ago. If you perchance know the movie, please drop the title in the comments.
Here is the synopsis, a couple that already had about 4 kids or so needed a permanent birth control and the lady had been reacting badly to the pills and insertions she had in the passt. She was getting hormonal imbalances that made her depressed, the pills made her bloated etc. Their doctor suggested to them he get a vasectomy instead and my man freaked the hell out.
Now, this was a comedy so you can imagine the hilarity of it all, he had hallucinations, dreams of how he became less of a man etc, an entire circus I tell you. In the end, he got it snipped though because Aunty said she ain’t going back on those meds that want to ruin her.
In the midst of the drama, I realized that society actually directly or indirectly expects the woman to take responsibility of birth control in relationships. Therefore, you see movies with the guys yelling “how did it happen”, when a girl breaks the pregnancy news. It is also the reason men will shout when their wives get pregnant after they had both said they won’t have another baby. It is almost as though women should be able to rebuke the lucky sperm once they sense it nearing their eggs. Bollocks.
I realize not every couple will get to the stage of getting a permanent birth control measure but if the issue arises, dear men, please ask yourself if you will be open to doing it instead of asking your wives to tie her tubes. Women already are bearing the cross of conception, morning sickness, labour, delivery, the first 1 year where some women either have post-natal depression or even a permanent medical condition as a result of childbirth and so much more. If you doubt it, read up on women’s experiences. Some men now expect this same woman to get an insertion or take constant pills or whatever needs to be done which will set her hormones off kilter or pile on some more weight she is just trying to lose.
Sigh. In the spirit of not losing my cool, I am going to assume the reason men are not opting for this is because they do not know about it. I spoke to two of my friends who are doctors and they explained to me in layman’s language which I will now re-explain as below:
A vasectomy is one of the safest routine surgeries out there. It is basically tying the ends of the tubes that your sperm travels through to get to the testicles, think of it as locking the gates. It is male sterilization. The surgery is done in minutes and you can even go back to work in a few days. WEB MD says here that a vasectomy is more effective than female sterilization, it is also simpler and cheaper, and I know men like to save money so yay. It is even better for men who like to cheat on their partners because at least you can be sure you are not procreating the world with your kind.
It does not affect your sexual experience /satisfaction in any way. A vasectomy can be done in the doctor’s office, it really is that simple. For me the most important advantage was told me by my doctor friend who happens to major in Urology and it is the fact that it is less invasive than a woman tying her tubes. I mean, that just seals the deal for me. IT IS LESS INVASIVE. A woman has to be under general anesthesia for her tube ligation and more invasion means higher chances of infection. Tube ligation also makes a woman more likely to have an ectopic pregnancy. CAN WOMEN CATCH A BREAK??
Let me add for fun here that I asked a few guys if they would be open to getting a vasectomy and they were like ‘HELL NO‘. Lmaooo, it is always funny when men think their manhood is tied to their penis. Anyway, I asked why and their answers were generally to say there are other options, and I put it to them those other options they mentioned put the burden on the woman, why don’t you be a MAN as you claim to be and get snipped off.
Pulling out and use of condoms are not anywhere near as effective, you can Google it yourself and get the statistics. WEBMD says pulling out works just 78% of the time while in male sterilization only about 2 in 2000 women go on to conceive after their men got snipped. It is also important you do these methods (condom and pulling out) right so as to get the best results but who remembers that when konji sets in.
A vasectomy can also be reversed if the need arises. It is more complicated and expensive to do but it can be done.
Did you know some men’s excuse for not getting snipped is that they may still want to have kids with women other than the ones they are married to? So this means the woman opting to tie her tubes didn’t consider she could have kids with other men other than her husband? E be tins.
Also, in my conversation with my doctor friends who by the way do not practice in Nigeria, they believed the reluctance of men our side of the world in getting the procedure is our culture largely. In the “abroad”, men are a lot more open to these options and it got me wondering what we can do to make our men get to this stage. I want to say we are making progress, but I am still meeting 30 to 35-year-old men, EDUCATED but still don’t believe in the feminism or right of women movement. How does one even begin to work with that? I believe that as a human, you should be open to evolving. These men term it as “you are just being feisty”, when you are trying to explain why women shoukd have the same options as men.
Open your mind to learn, unlearn, relearn. In this century, if you want to be with a woman, it is unacceptable to claim ignorance of the many things that adversely affect our progress and general wellbeing. We (I) will not do it simply because it has always been done this way or our mothers did it a certain way.
Please, get information, be involved and actively help to make a woman’s existence easier as much as you can.
PS: Please consult your doctor to verify all the above medical yarns ejoor o.
Also, this is my opinion, a woman is well within her rights to want to tie her tubes instead of letting the man get snipped.
This is one of those topics where I feel my views would look “foreign”. I’ve never been opposed to a vasectomy. Infact, after my wife and I have our 2/3 kids, I’m getting snipped. Who had time to be making mistake? Plus, very valid points about the health and well-being of women. In Nigeria, it’s unfortunate that we don’t regard women’s health and well-being more than we do. And it’s high time we educate a lot of men in our generation and the ones coming behind on the importance of valuing women more than our parents did. That’s my take on this subject
Thank you.
I am genuinely pleased that more men are becoming aware and are open to even discussing it. Sadly it is not only in Nigeria that women’s health take a back seat, the continent as a whole needs to be informed about the fact hat times have changed. Heck, I am sure some supposedly exposed people still won’t do this, a case in point being the movie i referenced in the article.
Thank you for taking time out to read.
Forget women are strong o. I agree with your take on this …
That said getting snipped still scares me o! Interestingly, the thought of vasectomy helps me appreciate what women go through a lot more.
I think for now I’m just gonna have to become a pro at “pulling out” lol. For now o. Hmmmmmm sni… hmmmmmm…
Yes, women are strong.
Remember that the next time you are tempted to undermine the strength of one of us.
Lmao, you are such a baby though, I said this thing is just a snip and clamp situation.If you can go bungee jumping, you can totally do this.
Oshey pro at pullingggg, You are in my prayers even as you pull.
Thank you for reading!
Generally I believe men always run away from anything that includes pain and that a woman can be an option for. Men will never be able to handle some of the things women have to do especially all the things that have been termed natural to a woman. And then there’s this our African culture that basically terms the men as Kings and women their slaves. Only husband’s that are really open minded and understand all the other many things their wives have to deal with will agree to getting a vasectomy. Atleast it’s one thing a woman can get a break from. May God help us oh.
Very educative and interesting post.
I really hope many of us as Men would learn from this and act accordingly as we can and should definitely do better.
Thank you for reading.
I considered a tubal ligation during my second CS while also mandating hubby to read about a vasectomy. In the end this is our decision:
1. Opted out of tubal ligation because: ‘what if I remarry and my new hubby wants to have kids’. Imagine the shock on my husbands face?
2. What if you have to remarry and your new wife wants kids, imagine the shock on hubby’s face still, he must think I’m loco?
3. We opted for the arm implant. But if it affects me negatively, he’s doing a vasectomy. I’m not going under the knife anymore, na person born me too.
That’s what marriage is about, compromise.
P:S Some men are pussies, yes I said it. You will be surprised that their fear is in needles or going under the knife. But they want women to be cut anyhow.
Lmaoooo, I love option 1 die.
I think you may be loco too but these are real issues that need to be discussed.
Girl, I am with you on him getting snipped if it comes down to it because being cut open one time is already something, but having to do a surgery to stop another one abegggg.
You have done your bit oo, you are really someone’s child ,
Thank you for reading!
These men don’t even know they’re lucky, theirs is less invasive with hardly any side effects. I have the arm implant contraceptive (implanol) and the side effects are frustrating, period will come today and not come tomorrow, some months it will come for twice or even 3 times and sometimes it won’t come for ages, it just confuses you, then the tiredness, hormonal weird feelings, weight that will pile on by just smelling sugar sef ??. Wo, men better take this thing up and not just frustrate their wives please. We have too much on our plates already.
Awww, I am so sorry you have had to deal with all these.
Periods on their own are a pain, then having to deal with unplanned ones must be so annoying.
Tiredness isn’t even one of the side effects I know.
Sending you e-hugs.
All, I know is that I’m never getting snipped in this country irrespective of how simple the procedure is. I’m more concerned about the long term effect.
So, when my partner and I get to that bridge, we will decide which is convenient for us.
There is a 78% success rate for pull out method which isn’t that bad.
It does not matter where you get snipped , as long as there is a snipping LMAOO.
Jokes apart, yea i definitely agree on having these conversations and making a decision as a couple.
Thank you for reading!
Vasectomy is definitely an option for me (still subject to her approval though). I don’t want to be done having kids and one “mistake child” sneaks in. Always dreaded it and it proves the traditional birth control implants/injections are not reliable. Worse still is the on going side effects on the woman. If you think the side effects are worse now, wait till the menopause period (My mum had a terrible experience). I’m not sure I want someone else going through all that especially when there’s a safer, CHEAPER, and more reliable option.
And for the “what if I marry another person, won’t I want kids with them again? Arguement” ????, I mean the idea for me is.
“Vasectomy when I am (we are) done having kids”
“Vasectomy when I am done having kids with the person I’m currently married to”.
Once I’m done…..I’m done…
So if you find me a widower (God forbid)/Divorcé (Double God forbid) and you know that I already have 2 or 3 kids (Not sure of the exacts yet….Aunty is yet to decide) just japaa… babies for you again ma. Because ✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️
Help me ask them why they marry with the intention to have kids with people other than their spouses.
Sorry your mum went through that, it is her experience now that has made you realise more than there can always be an option.
Can you see how women are always doing everything for you! Lol
Thank you for reading and I am glad it made you think about this and make future plans.
Just passing through..
I do not know much about this concept but when I do get married, my wife and I will discuss all the options with a family doctor.
Personally, I’d rather we don’t make changes on our bodies that will have a permanent effect.
So we will see
Thank you for reading.
I am glad you are open to discussing it, it is the least we ask for.
This here is a whole rant from you o.
My wife just pulled out her arm implant after about 2 years because too many side effects that got us both freaking out. We are definitely not ready for another child yet, and I for one can’t even bear to think of a ‘mistake child’. I’ll totally go for a vasectomy just because i like the idea, but definitely not till I’m sure i don’t want anymore kids. It would also be the result of a compromise between my wife and I, with the easiest still being her figuring out a birth control method that works with very little/negligible side effects.
It is a whole rant, I was vexed.
Oh wow, hope the side effects weren’t so bad. I have heard really scary ones.
But your last sentence suggests you still want her to go back to find another birth control method, hmmm.
You said that is the easiest method, why is the easiest method always the one where the woman sacrifices. I am glad you are open to being snipped and I am here to remind you it is the EASIEST method and not your wife trying on several more to see what works or not.
I will send you chicken soup once you get it nipped because I am nice.
Thank you for reading!!
Nice writeup Femi!
I’ve known about vasectomy since my secondary school days long before I met my wife and decided that once my wife and I are done with 2-3 kids, I’m opting for it. I don’t get why I would want to put the decision of not having more children on my wife when I’m the one with the power and seed to make the child.
As you rightly said, education is the main culprit but exposure is another. Please forget about the pain of needles or surgery, men do a lot of stupid things that put them in more painful situations.
Everyone is suddenly pessimistic about their marriages and lives of their children talmbout if they need to have other children after their first marriage or children die blah blah blah, without really having a good understanding of vasectomy. Most men only have our African societal myths and perceptions on their mind whenever vasectomy is mentioned. We all need to be actually loving, empathetic and wise here. The man is in better control of birth control especially after having the planned number of children.
Keep writing these stuff Femi, knowledge will get into our skull one way or another.
Wole my friend, let me buy you a cold beer. You have said it all.
Men will legit take way worse risks in the name of work and fun and then form panic when it is time to actually do what is necessary.
I shall continue to write as often as I can.
Thank you for the words of encouragement and also taking time out to read it.
Birth control is not for only women, times have changed and new processes and options are now available. I am not married but I remember I once dated a lady who took the IUD at first all was well, her body adjusted and she was fine, then suddenly she started reacting to it badly, so I understand that different women react to different drugs and option.
You have to consider different options for different times, what do you do when you need space between the first child and the second? What options will work for what scenario.
What do you do when you are done having kids?
I will advise that both parties visit a professional for the best possible options. I as a man, I will be open to vasectomy, let’s just say I don’t want any child outside my marriage and family.
It’s about time that we start thinking outside the box.
Having your peepee become a toothless bulldog does not make you less of a man.
Thanks for reading.
I agree that there are other options for spacing in between births but this is specifically for a more permanent type situation.
And yes, getting expert medical opinion is non- negotiable.
“let’s just say I don’t want any child outside my marriage and family”
Ermm , ezkis sir, this statement above comes off as you may definitely have extra marital affairs but you don’t want any to result in a pregnancy. What is needed here is fFAITHFULNESS and not a VASECTOMY.
Thank you.
This article is Gold! Especially because this topic is seldom brought up and truth is, it is a very important one.
I say this because the rate of population growth in this part of the world is certainly more exponential than it is linear, with statistics showing Nigeria to be the 3rd most populous nation behind China and India within the next 2 decades.
There is nothing wrong with a society that has more “man” power, but in a country like Nigeria and our current state of leadership (or anarchy), that singular fact of exponential population growth is scary. ( I think I’ve gone in too deep. Lol).
Point is nipping the source of child bearing in the bud after having your desired number of children (which I believe shouldn’t be more than 3) is the most reliable way of ensuring so-called “mistake” conceptions do not happen as this has been the case for the longest. Also the devastating effect of birth control and tube tying for women is just disheartening and I believe they don’t have to be put through that if they’re not 100% willing to undergo these procedures.
I still believe condoms are effective, though not as permanent but just using a condom when the woman is ovulating greatly improves your chances of not impregnating your lady.
Finally, I think if we as men resolve to treating our women as the queens they really are, always look out for their well-being and desist from giving them the shorter end of the stick all the time, then most of these decisions won’t seem as difficult as we at times make it out to seem. Stay Conscious
Thank you for taking time out to read.
I did not even check the angle of population explosion,thanks for pointing this out.
Lol, I dont know about 3 o, all i know is when you are done having them be it 1 or 13, please let the woman rest and you step in if the need arises.
At your last line , yesssss, yell it to your fellow men….STOP GIVING WOMEN THE SHORT END OF THE DEAL EVERY TIME
Femi!!! First, I must commend your knowledge and depth of research on the topic.
I agree there is a lot of pressure on women regarding birth control which is not solely the fault of Men. For example, there are only 3 methods of birth control for men (condom, withdrawal and vasectomy) compared to a myriad of options for women. But with increased research and medical development I am sure there will be more options for men as well.
In terms of Men not being open to Vasectomy, I think it’s more of limited awareness. A lot of people are not aware that this option exists for men and those that are aware may not trust it to be a safe option due to historically low adoption.
I think what is important is for both parties to determine the best and safest option regardless of who will be affected.
This is pure bullshit. You feminist and what not need to shut the fuck up. Making everything look like fight.
Please go and fucking get a fucking life.
Assalam Aliekum motherfucker
Sustain the incredible work !! Lovin’ it!
Thank you for reading.
Thanks for giving this sort of superior information.
Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.
I’m definitely getting a vasectomy after my first child. I Don’t trust my pull out game. Lol
Lmaooooo. You should!
I will remind you after your first child in case you get carried away by love.