I am back like I never left.
Ok, it is obvious I left. I am appreciative of people that reached out to me wondering why I have not made a new post since forever. It made me feel like noodles and suya inside, i.e delicious. It is also nice knowing some people feel your presence in their lives in whatever capacity it’s possible for them.
Considering the above, I shall be doing the most cliché thing now, which is a recap of things and people I am grateful for in 2019, the year of our Lord.
Animate things
I am grateful for my mother, I am. I have no words to express how or why, I just am.
Oh, my brother, I do not know what I will do without that annoying boy in my life. Once I call, he is almost always running to help me out in issues ranging from car, to delivery, to advice. God bless you for me, Tobi.
My family members are a given, I know. I live with my sister as per broke hustler, but I live like a queen in her house, eating her food. My brother-in-law takes on my car issues like its his own, he once spent a whole day at the mechanic just for my sake and if that is not care, I don’t know what is. My nephews taught me patience and endurance because if I react based on their antics I probably will be behind bars by now.
Early this year, January 19 to be precise, my friends threw me a surprise birthday party. You know when Twitter guys go “you love to see it”, it was exactly just that. I felt so loved sooo…. I am out of mushy words as this is not really my strong thing. This is another opportunity to say thank you all again for getting 2019 off to a great start for me.
Toyosi…, my best friend, prayer partner and business partner all rolled into one. If you did not know before now that I run a personal shopping business with my bestie, here is a shameless plug. Follow ADALIA LAGOS on IG, Twitter and Facebook and our website here. Running Adalia this year was challenging, Toyosi had a new born and I had a job that got busier by the minute but somehow, we made it work. Thank you Toyosi.
Special recognition to Tolu Akinyemi, he is largely the reason you are probably reading this. Tolu pushed, encouraged, nutured, took time out of his own very busy schedule to design this awesome website. It was amazing how he captured all the essence I wanted with little or no probing questions. He will proof read all of my posts before it goes live, this inclusive. Tolu Akinyemi is a brilliant poet and you can follow him on IG here, his latest project; a Bible-themed word search book which is an awesome gift for the season. Tolu is also annoying and almost always never agrees when he is wrong so there goes the balance of life. Thank you, Tolu, I hope you will agree to do this with me in 2020. I promise to be more consistent in writing there by giving you more work to do. I promise to put my commas at the right place and use the ellipsis correctly. Deal? Deal.! Sometimes it is not just Twitter and IG, it is friendships like this that blossom and become something more.
My colleagues are mostly amazing. The ones I know that will read this are gems. But if I did not know you will read this and you are, uhmmm first, this is awkward. I appreciate you regardless for giving me a non-toxic environment to work with you. God bless you.
Niyi Akinjogbin and Oyin Faseun are the biggest supporters of my blog this year, heyoooo guys. Thank you.
Tylakk, Deola, Demi, Gabby (who won’t read this), Yetunde, Biola, Dunke, Mazy (love this girl), Yinka, Bunmi, Mayowa, Folake, friendships so deep we have to create whatsapp groups so we can all gist at once. Love you girls.
The way the heat of Lagos has been set up these days, ladies and gentlemen, first on my list is haircon o. Yes, AC also known as Air Conditioner. My goodness, I am thankful to whoever invented that.
Amala and ewedu with gbegiri and azzorted meat. That’s it, that is the whole sentence.
Malaria and typhoid showed me pepper this year o, even food poisoning. Thankful for doctors (I know y’all are animate, but I can’t go back up to edit now, no vex, kizzez) and medications for saving my life.
Social media. God bless Jack for Twitter. On those days when I am super stressed out, Twitter rescues me with humour. Let’s also talk about all the people who got justice through the social media voice and the ills of the society that were exposed. Shout out to my short friend, one of whom I routinely exchange memes with.
The gift of the travel I got this this year, I will have to do a whole post about that.
I realise now that I am about to round off, that there are way more things I still want to write about, but this will become a long long post.
I may have also missed out on some vital things and people, but I am grateful regardless, for everything and everyone I get to call mine.
Let me know the animate and inanimate things you are most grateful for in the comments section.
Here’s to 2020!!!
PS: Thank you Biggie for what you did in April. God bless you.
P. P. S: I overcame my morbid fear of driving in Lagos this year and and almost perfected my swimming. What’s not to brag about ehn?
Thankful for my family, esp my wife who loves me, despite my bad behaviour, thankful for Levi 511 and 512 jeans which always are the right fit and thankful for my ever growing shoe collection… it has become a problem. Thankful for you too Femi. Always making IG fun and thanks for that delivery you helped me with. Super duper grateful. Have an amazing 2020!!!
Lol yaaay I read it? and everything on the blog…and i’m here to stay. Thankful for you too. Have a fabulous 2020
That you finally decided to take danfo drivers head on with their madness and drive in this lagos, I rejoice with you???. Baby girl I’m grateful for you oh, ?. And I’m grateful for Adalia, always saving my ass, my last minute shopping plug. Plenty love boo, it’s going to an awesome 2020!!
I’m thankful for Oluwafemi Akangbe…..without whom, I would have allowed assumption keep me single.
I’m also thankful for Adalia……(Femi you already know; lemmie not open my history to the public eye)
I’m definitely going to do another round of “thank yous” this time next year Femi….and I know you know why (that our 2019/2020 draft Plan).
I hope this comment gets posted…..I comment on most if not all of your posts…..maybe your site thinks I am better off as a lowkey guy ??
Welcome back. Sometimes, does life get in the way. Still, we have to find time for the things that really matter to us (also my new year resolution). Thankful for the gift of life, sound health, for friends, family and progress. 2019 wasn’t without it’s challenges, however, it was a good year.
Keep up the good work Femi.